
HOCR Coxswain Clinic

Details for the 2024 Coxswain Clinic hosted by Mary Whipple through the 9th Seat:

Cost: $25. 
Date/Time: 5pm PST/8pm EST October Wed. 9th 
Bonus Online Office Hours: Friday 18th: 5pm EST
What it will cover: 
    • Race Plan Development 
    • Steering/Navigation: Best Practices for turns and avoiding traffic/collisions
    • Rules and avoiding penalties
    • **Bonus Friday Online Office Hours: Q & A and race plan workshop
A Zoom link to the online clinic will be sent out the day before, Tuesday Oct. 8th to the email provided at registration.

What makes this clinic different is the added layer to giving suggestions on how to offer moves, what technical phrases to use and what kind of information to give that will motivate the team. Plus, you get a second chance to talk all about implementing your race plan or test out any race strategies with Mary the Friday before racing!

Can’t make it to the clinic? Check out these resources from our friends at CoxPod!

CoxPod Episode 38: Head of the Charles Practice DayBe safe and efficient in the setting of hundreds of boats of varied classifications and skill levels sharing a compressed time frame on a river with complicated geography. This podcast will help you set appropriate expectations, get the most you can out of the day, and leave you and your crew feeling more prepared for an amazing race.

30 Days to HOCRA 30-day program designed to help prepare you for Head Of The Charles.